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bert summerhayes and zig misiak musket t
My friend Bert Summerhayes, now gone, a Native ally and me, a Butlers Ranger in one of our many trips to the Mohawk Valley.  
zig butlers ranger and 0kwaho mohawk war
My friend Okwaho a Mohawk warrior and I, as a Butlers Ranger, at Quebec Cities 250th anniversary of an American Revolution battle.  
Laughter at a War of 1812 photo shoot for Zig's book, War of 1812: Highlighting Native Nations. L to R - Andrew Martin as John Brant, Ryan Misiak as John Norton, Bob Rennie as General Brock. 
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Zigs reenactors CBC a peoples history mo
CBC's, Canada a Peoples History. As reenactors we are invited to participate in many documentary/movies. Here we are as a group, 2 of my sons (Ryan and Tyler) with me, during a scene from the French and Indian War `1754 to 1763. British 40th regiment of foot. 
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Butlers Rangers remembering one of our own. The flying of the Butlers colours in honour and memory of Mike Elliott. One of the originals of McDonell's Co.; he is dearly missed. 
shaylyn ryan tyler daryl misiak reenacti
My 4 children, Shaylyn, Ryan, Tyler and Daryl have been reenacting Canadian history since birth. Here they are training for an event. They appear to be looking at their sister wondering why she is standing in line when they are doing military drill. I love this photo. 
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Zig, Butlers Ranger officer, in front of the Kings Royal Yorkers Colours, Battle of Saratoga. One of 100's of re-enactments over several decades.
Zig, British Royal American 60th Regiment of Foot at Fortress Louisbourg Nova Scotia. French and Indian (7 Years War) War. 
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Zig, as a Rogers Rangers (F&I) with a Mohawk warrior on a scouting mission at Quebec City. 
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Scott Paterson's Christmas card 'the capture of Santa Claus' by Butlers and Six Nations allies. 
Butlers Ranger & Mohawk warrior scouting
near Fort Stanwix during the winter. 
Zig, Butlers Ranger in a Mohawk village
in the Schoharie Valley. (Rev. War)
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Misiak kids, Tyler, Ryan & Daryl as War of 1812 Caldwell's Rangers. The entire Misiak family grew up into re-enacting. 
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Long-time friends, Scott Paterson & Zig Misiak as Butlers Rangers. British loyalists during the American Revolution 1777-1784. Allies and friends with the Haudenosaunee (Six Nations / Iroquois)
Durham District School Board Marianne Fr
Zig conducting a tour for the Durham District High School teachers at Brock's monument, Queenston Heights Ontario Canada. Site of the War of 1812 Battle of Queenston Heights that included Six Nations allies. 
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Being re-enactors we come completely and authentically equipped for historical documentaries and movies. Here Scott Paterson and I are in a CBC scene depicting the hanging at Burlington Heights of the 'traitors'. The Bloody Assize trials were held in Ancaster Ontario. 
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3 distinct time periods. Right to Left. 
French & Indian War - Scott Patterson
American Revolution - Zig Misiak 
War of 1812 - soldier unknown 
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On campaign, Zig as a Butlers Ranger, in the Mohawk Valley rests and eats. Boiling potatoes, onions and eggs with his musket at the ready lying behind him. 
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Zig Misiak 
War of 1812 - Caldwells Ranger officer

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